Monday, January 28, 2008

Reality Checks...

...never fail to humble you. Stop hoping for things and you'll never be disappointed.


sticky said...

but if we never hope for anything in life would anyone strive for more? or just stay at a standstill.

August Flanagan said...

What's up Nick,

I was just checking out your blog (and all the other 2007 recipients blogs as well) for the first time, and reminiscing about my six weeks in Guatemala at the beginning of this trip. Still my favorite country to date. The stroy about the fight with the MS-13 guys is pretty crazy. I never had a fight there, though if you want to hear a crazy fucking story about Nicaragua drop me a line at

Buen Viaje,
August Flanagan

Anonymous said...

You should not lose hope and faith. In an earlier post you wrote something about trying to come to terms with your feelings because you did not have enough of a struggle. To whom much has been given, much should be expected. If you do not have hope how can we expect those with greater struggles to have it? Then what becomes of our communities?

Anonymous said...

I've heard that hope and fear are two sides of the same coin. They are made of the same stuff. If you never hope that you or your life or the world can be better, you won't experience the fear that comes from thinking it just might get worse. But this is nothing to be sad about. It just is.