Thursday, December 13, 2007

And Then There Was One.

Three months, twenty five days, a healed shoulder, hip-hop benefit concert, photography show, and Ricky Hatton 10th round KO via Floyd Mayweather JR left-hook later, I'm finally off. It's funny. I was originally supposed to be the first of the six to leave, but now I'm very much the last. I know the Bonderman panel want recipients to leave as soon as possible so they maintain the sentiments of their proposal, but if anything, my postponement only reaffirmed my beliefs.

In my essay I said that the things that I choose to do, the way that I am, are because of my friends, are for my friends, because they make me who I am. After this past week, I now know more of where I've been and less of where I'm going.

Before I left, I virtually met and reminisced with every person I've ever known for the last 10 years. For me, each conversation I had was like a memento on a certain point in time of my life and I got to take a walk through roughly its last decade, reminding me that you don't always have to leave home to go on a journey.

I parted ways with dear friends onto uncertain fates, strengthened my understanding of family, been told to of impacted the lives of others, experienced the death and revival of love, and had it all capped off with the perfect smile. I couldn't have asked for more.


Veryl said...

go nick!

Anonymous said...

Nick: Best wishes for a fantastic journey. Can't wait to read your updates and follow your progress around the globe. Cheers - Amy

Unknown said...

Nicky, bon voyage and can't wait till you get here. If you need anything...

Anonymous said...

=] i love your writing. have fun, nick! i'll get to travel and live cool adventures through you =]

Nathan Cermak said...

best wishes, and definitely going to keep this blog bookmarked...

sticky said...

rock on sister. dont catch nothin.

my iphone got jacked at work today. i figure you should have updates of my mundane life here while you experience the world. keeps you grounded.

dont catch nothin and did you get your shots before u left?